September is nationally recognized as Attendance Awareness Month, and the Springfield City School District is celebrating its priority to communicate the importance of student attendance. The District’s push began post-pandemic, with a heavy emphasis in the last two years.
According to the Ohio Department of Education & Workforce (DEW), chronically absent students in Ohio are 65% less likely to meet the Third Grade Reading Guarantee and 89% less likely to graduate high school on time. Additionally, if a student misses two days of school per month, they will miss the equivalent of one year of class instruction by their high school graduation. That figure is doubled if the child were to miss four days of school per month.
Specifically, the District has taken the following measures to share this important message with its families:
Billboard campaigns
Social media messaging
Increased phone communication between building leaders, secretaries and families
Streamlined attendance collection and student absence review through improved data platforms
Created individualized success plans for families who may be struggling with attendance
Increased the number of District Attendance Officers
Participation in the Stay in the Game Attendance Network through the DEW
Participation in the Digital Promise Chronic Absenteeism Cohort
"Every day in class is a step toward success,” said SCSD Superintendent Dr. Bob Hill. “Attendance isn't just about showing up—it's about showing commitment to your child’s future. When students are present, they’re building the skills, knowledge and connections that will carry them forward in life. Let’s ensure every student has the opportunity to thrive by prioritizing attendance, because every day counts."
In addition, the DEW suggests ensuring contact information is up to date with your child’s school, maintaining frequent contact with his or her teacher, scheduling medical appointments outside of school hours when possible and making sure children are getting an adequate amount of sleep every night.