Mr. McWhorter's 8th grade social studies classes created projects about the 13 colonies and presented their work at a colonial fair in the library last week! Take a look at their incredible work!!
4 months ago, Emily Day
Presenting :)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Just a heads up that eligible students will be bringing home permission slips for the 1st quarter PBIS reward movie trip! Please make sure they are returned no later than Wednesday at 4 pm and that final forms are filled out to ensure your student can attend. We are so proud of our students for their hard work in quarter 1 and looking forward to seeing them continue in quarter 2! Eligible students have met the following criteria in quarter 1: - no more than 4 unexcused absences - no more than 5 referrals - no suspensions or Saturday schools Keep up the awesome work!
4 months ago, Emily Day
Information is coming home about next week's spirit week and dance on Friday! Ask your student about it :) (Flyers are linked below in multiple languages)
4 months ago, Emily Day
Haitian Creole
Homeroom classes decorated pumpkins for a contest to raise money for PBIS rewards! The pumpkins are very creative and fun!
4 months ago, Emily Day
ice cream sundae
Science pumpkin
Pumpkin lineup
Middle school open gym information below!
4 months ago, Emily Day
Boys Basketball Information
Girls Basketball Information
Wrestling Information
Our students got the chance to hear from Tom Ballard, "The Heart Rock Guy", today about the importance and impact of acts of kindness. Ask your student about it! :)
5 months ago, Emily Day
Tom Ballard
Tom Ballard
COMMUNITY OPPORTUNITY: Submit an entry for the Clark County Public Library's Spooky Short Story contest! The contest is open to students between 6-18 years old. The winner in each age group will receive a trophy and the opportunity to share their story in person. Entries must be submitted to no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday, October 7. Open the app to see the flyer for more details.
5 months ago, Springfield City School District
Clark County Spooky Short Story contest flyer
Clark County Spooky Short Story contest flyer
October breakfast and lunch menus are now available online and in the SCSD app! To view in the app: Choose your child's building from the 'Schools' button in the bottom right corner. Then select 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and choose 'Dining' where you can view the menu for each day of the month. To view at Choose the 'Services' tab at the top of the website > Food & Nutrition > Menus.
5 months ago, Springfield City School District
Reminder Parents: Please remember to finish filling out your final forms if you haven't done so already. Note: Your child will be unable to participate in school functions like dance, movies, field trips, etc. until all forms are completed.
5 months ago, Emily Day
Registration forms for G.E.M.S and KINGZ are due this Friday!
5 months ago, Emily Day
Please see the attached flyers about our G.E.M.S and KINGZ groups! These are great opportunities for our students :) Registration forms are coming this week, and if students are interested in joining one of these groups, they need to see the office / sign up. Have a great day!
5 months ago, Emily Day
G.E.M.S Flyer
See attached flyer for information about next week's spirit week! :)
5 months ago, Emily Day
Spirit Week Flyer
Good morning families! Please make sure you fill out Final Forms if you have not done so. This is very important so that we have the correct information to contact you about your student, things happening at school, and in case of emergency. Also, conferences have been cancelled for tonight, and we are in the process of rescheduling. We will update you with the new information ASAP! Thank you for your understanding.
5 months ago, Emily Day
ATLANTA TRIP INFORMATION: May 6-9, 2025 Cost: Around $800 (Fundraisers will happen) **A meeting with more info will be held this Thursday during parent teacher conferences at 6 pm in the gym!**
5 months ago, Emily Day
See attached flyers about parent teacher conferences this Thursday :)
5 months ago, Emily Day
English flyer
Haitian Creole flyer
Portuguese flyer
French flyer
Spanish flyer
Good morning families! Just a reminder that parent teacher conferences are this Thursday, Sept. 19 from 4-7 pm. Your student's teachers are looking forward to talking to you and sharing the amazing things we are seeing in the classroom! Also, shaved ice will be on sale for $5 during conferences. See you soon!!
5 months ago, Emily Day
Reminder: Interims are coming home with your student this afternoon! We are proud of their hard work!
5 months ago, Emily Day
YouMedia at the Dome starts this week for 8th grade students! Please make sure your student's final forms give permission to attend if they are interested. There is bussing from Schaefer to the Dome, but your student must be picked up from the Dome after YouMedia. We are excited for this awesome opportunity for our students and to hear about all the fun things they do!
5 months ago, Emily Day
YouMedia information flyer
REMINDER: Please fill out final forms if you have not already done so. Thank you! :)
6 months ago, Emily Day
Good evening Schaefer families! Below are some upcoming important dates: Friday, Sept. 13: Interims go home Thursday, Sept. 19: Parent teacher conferences, 4-7 pm (Shaved ice on sale for $5 a piece) Tuesday, Sept. 24: No school! Thursday, Sept. 26: Picture day
6 months ago, Emily Day