YouMedia at the Dome starts this week for 8th grade students! Please make sure your student's final forms give permission to attend if they are interested. There is bussing from Schaefer to the Dome, but your student must be picked up from the Dome after YouMedia. We are excited for this awesome opportunity for our students and to hear about all the fun things they do!
5 months ago, Emily Day
YouMedia information flyer
REMINDER: Please fill out final forms if you have not already done so. Thank you! :)
6 months ago, Emily Day
Good evening Schaefer families! Below are some upcoming important dates: Friday, Sept. 13: Interims go home Thursday, Sept. 19: Parent teacher conferences, 4-7 pm (Shaved ice on sale for $5 a piece) Tuesday, Sept. 24: No school! Thursday, Sept. 26: Picture day
6 months ago, Emily Day
September breakfast and lunch menus are now available online and in the SCSD app! To view in the app: Choose your child's building from the 'Schools' button in the bottom right corner. Then select 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and choose 'Dining' where you can view the menu for each day of the month. To view at Choose the 'Services' tab at the top of the website > Food & Nutrition > Menus.
6 months ago, Springfield City School District
Reminder: There is NO SCHOOL Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day. Classes resume on Tuesday. Have a great holiday, Wildcats!
6 months ago, Springfield City School District
Just a reminder: Schaefer's open house is this Thursday from 4:15-5:45 pm. Also, we will be selling shaved ice for $5 a piece during open house! We can't wait to see you!
6 months ago, Emily Day
Breakfast and lunch menus for the remainder of August are now available on the SCSD app! To view: Choose your child's building from the 'Schools' button in the bottom right corner. Then select 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and choose 'Dining.' You can view the menu for each day of the month.
6 months ago, Springfield City School District
Just a reminder that 7th grade orientation is August 8 at Schaefer from 4-5:15 pm. We can't wait to meet the 7th graders joining our Schaefer family!
7 months ago, Emily Day
Check out the District's improved Athletics webpage! You can also now receive Athletics push notifications here in the SCSD app. Go to Menu > Settings > Notifications Preferences & Subscriptions > Check the boxes for Athletics. We look forward to celebrating our Wildcat student-athletes!
7 months ago, Springfield City School District
Looking for your child's open house date? The District's Back-to-School Hub is live NOW on the SCSD website: Check it out for everything you need to know before the first day!
7 months ago, Springfield City School District
Don't miss out on the District's Summer Food Program! Free daily lunch is available for students 18 and under at several locations around Springfield. Open the app's Live Feed to see flyers detailing locations and times.
8 months ago, Springfield City School District
Summer Food Program -- English
Summer Food Program -- French
Summer Food Program -- Haitian Creole
Summer Food Program -- Portuguese
Summer Food Program -- Spanish
Open gyms, open fields & workouts for many middle school athletic teams are getting underway! If you have an incoming 7th or 8th grade student who is interested in playing sports next year, make sure to check out for summer schedules.
9 months ago, Springfield City School District
Don't miss out on everything the SCSD has to offer this summer! Check out for day camps, athletic camps & more! This website will be updated as additional opportunities become available.
9 months ago, Springfield City School District
Each of our 8th grade students have been working on painting a brick in the hallway. This is our legacy wall!
9 months ago, Amanda Rupp
On Friday, Ms. Ashley's student's did presentations on social change and what they were going to do about different problems in the school/community/world. They did awesome! Love hearing student's voices!!
9 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Our students had a fun day today at Kings Island!
9 months ago, Amanda Rupp
8th grade
7th grade
Tomorrow is the last day to register for the Wildcat Volleyball Program's Summer Kids Camp and guarantee a t-shirt! This 2-day camp is open to students entering grades 4-7 who are interested in building their volleyball skills. The camp will be held June 6-7 from 6-8 PM at Springfield High School. To register, use this link:
9 months ago, Springfield City School District
Summer Volleyball Kids Camp 2024 Flyer June 6-7 6-8 PM at Springfield High School
Registration Open: Clark State College is excited to hold our annual College for Kids and Teens summer programs again this summer. Online registration is now open and can be accessed on the website here. College for Kids & Teens information: Our pre-college camp programs offer an opportunity for our local students to learn new skills, make new friends and begin to experience and explore career areas in their own community. Our classes are non-graded environments where personal growth, critical thinking and creativity are encouraged. All camp sessions are M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. Camp sessions are available for students entering Grades 2-12. Cost of camp: $175 (full scholarships are available and request forms are accessible on the website) Breakfast snacks, lunch, and a camp t-shirt are included.
9 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Beginning June 3, free daily lunch is available for students 18 and under as part of the District's Summer Food Program. The program will be held Monday-Friday at most locations. Open the app's Live Feed to see flyers detailing locations and times around the community. This program is made possible through the partnerships of the SCSD, Clark County Public Library, Wallick Communities, the Springfield Police Division & the Global Impact STEM Academy.
9 months ago, Springfield City School District
SCSD Summer Food Program Flyer (English)
SCSD Summer Food Program Flyer (Spanish)
SCSD Summer Food Program Flyer (French)
SCSD Summer Food Program Flyer (Portuguese)
SCSD Summer Food Program Flyer (Haitian Creole)
All incoming middle and high school students are invited the Athletic Department's Open House on Monday, May 20 at 6:30 PM in the Springfield High gym! This is a great opportunity to meet coaches, receive summer schedules and learn more about FinalForms and dates to receive physicals. Fall, winter & spring sports will be represented. See you there!
10 months ago, Springfield City School District
Athletics Open House Image -- Monday, May 20, 2024 at 6:30 PM at Springfield High School