This week has been teacher appreciation week! We appreciate all staff in our building but this week we are showcasing our hardworking teachers! We value our teachers so much! Please join me in thanking them for the hard work they put in everyday to make impacts on our students!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Our wonderful music team: Mrs. Safley, Mrs. Minner and Ms. Timko
Our wonderful Social Studies team: Mr. McWhorter, Mrs. Harshaw and Ms. Foster
Our wonderful 7th grade math team: Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. Courtright and Ms. LaRock
Our wonderful Science team: Ms. Teters, Mrs.Baker and Mr. Ruoff
Our wonderful 8th grade ELA team: Ms. Fritts, Ms. Ashley, Ms. Jaskowiak and Mrs. Lorenz
Our wonderful 7th grade ELA team: Mr. Kopp, Mrs. Cook and Ms. Day
Our wonderful 8th grade math team: Mrs. Sobiech and Mr. Parker (not shown Ms. Phillips)
Our wonderful Encore team:  Mr. Horne, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Plant and Mr. Bechtel (not shown Ms. Christian)
Our wonderful intervention specialists and paras: Ms. Haerr, Ms. Kerby, Ms. Cahoon, Ms. Berry, Mr. Riggle and Ms. Dobbs
Our wonderful librarian and Security Aid: Ms. Compston and Mrs. Maurice
8th grade students got to go to Clark state Career Exploration Fair today. They had so much fun talking with local businesses! Also it was dress like your favorite barn animal today and our wonderful head cook had the best costume!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Reminder: There is NO SCHOOL for students tomorrow, May 7. This is a Professional Development day for staff. Classes will resume on Wednesday.
10 months ago, Springfield City School District
Don't miss out on everything happening in the SCSD this summer! Check out for activities, day camps, athletic camps & more! The website will be updated as additional opportunities become available.
10 months ago, Springfield City School District
May breakfast and lunch menus are now available online and in the SCSD app! To view in the app: Choose your child's building from the 'Schools' button in the bottom right corner. Then select 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and choose 'Dining' where you can view the menu for each day of the month. To view at Choose the 'Services' tab at the top of the webpage > Food & Nutrition > Menus.
10 months ago, Springfield City School District
Fun things happening in Mrs. Sobie's class! Algebra students were doing a project on if their life started today. They had to use a salary based on their current GPA to create a budget for a place to live, a car, and all living expenses. They are learning real life skills!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
.Students completing presentation
.Student presentation
..Student presentation
..Student presentation
Parents! Here is a link for a parent survey so we can get some feedback on our school. It would be awesome if all families could take about 5-10 mins to complete this by May 5th! Your voice matters to us! Thank you!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Hey families! Come out tonight for parent teachers conferences 4-7! Also, promise neighborhood is providing free sandwiches, chips and lemonade for our staff and families. In addition, shaved ice is for purchase for $5. Such a fun night at Schaefer!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Our students that got into the Clark State Scholars Program will have their induction ceremony tonight! Please join me in congratulating them! We are so proud!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Jocelyn Elliott
Nevaeh Herring
Ta’riyah Dotts-Beal
Edward Strayer
Skyler Leslie
Jade Bozarth
Schaefer friends and families! Thank you to all that came out for game night last night! We hope you all had fun! There will be another community night event at our school on Friday. We would love to see you all there! See attached flyer. Also, tomorrow is the last day for 8th grade science testing. Make sure to get a good nights rest and arrive at school on time!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Schaefer Mental Health, Friday, April 26th, 3:45-5:45 pm
Students in lunch "4a" please remember your money for shaved ice tomorrow! Lunch 4b will be able to purchase shaved ice on Wednesday and lunch 4c will be able to purchase shaved ice on Thursday. The cost is $5.00. Shaved ice will also be here during parent teacher conference on Thursday from 4-7 for all Schaefer students, staff and family. See everyone then!!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Schaefer's Youth Summit is sponsoring a Family Game Night. There will be games, snacks, prizes, and drawings. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Just a reminder that tomorrow and Thursday are OST Math testing days for both 7th and 8th grade. It is very important that students get a good night's rest and arrive to school on time! C'mon Schaefer students, let's do this!!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
What a fun opportunity for adult and teen readers! Check it out!
10 months ago, Amanda Rupp
All are welcome!
11 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Happy solar eclipse day! Reminder that this week is Ohio State Testing week. We will be testing ELA on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Please make sure to arrive to school on time and get plenty of rest each night! Free breakfast is served everyday at 8:20. Let's go!
11 months ago, Amanda Rupp
Happy Friday everyone! All students were sent home with eclipse glasses. Please make sure to wear them if you choose to look at the sun during the eclipse on Monday. Don't forget there is no school on Monday so everyone can enjoy this event. Attached is a flyer for a Hidden in Plain Sight event. We would like to encourage all of our parents to attend this event on April 23rd! It is really eye opening.
11 months ago, Amanda Rupp
April breakfast and lunch menus are now available online and in the SCSD app! To view in the app: Choose your child's building from the 'Schools' button in the bottom right corner. Then select 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and choose 'Dining' where you can view the menu for each day of the month. To view at Choose the 'Services' tab at the top of the webpage > Food & Nutrition > Menus.
11 months ago, Springfield City School District
TWO HOUR EARLY RELEASE: Due to an updated severe weather forecast by the Clark County Emergency Management Agency, our schools and buses will be released TWO HOURS early on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Springfield High School will release at 12:00 pm, the elementary school will release at 1:00 pm and the middle school will release at 1:45 pm. All after school activities, practices, games, and events are canceled. The District apologizes for any inconvenience this may cause for families.
11 months ago, Springfield City School District
Featured on this month's episode of Cat Chat: The Official Podcast of the Springfield City School District -- Perrin Woods Elementary, Featured Alumni Stephen Massey & City Commissioners Krystal Brown (Phillips) and Tracey Tackett. Watch on YouTube at or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or iHeart Radio Podcasts!
11 months ago, Springfield City School District
Cat Chat Podcast Image