Proposed Policy Changes

The following policies were approved for a first reading at the March 13, 2025, Board Meeting:

  1. BCE - Board Committees

  2. BD - School Board Meetings

  3. DECA - Administration of Federal Grant Funds

  4. DJF - Purchasing Procedures

  5. EDE - Computer/Online Services (Acceptable Use and Internet Safety)

  6. GBH (Also JM) - Staff-Student Relations

  7. IGAH / IGAI - Family Life Education/Sex Education

  8. IGBA - Programs for Students With Disabilities

  9. IGBLA - Promoting Parental Involvement

  10. IGCH-R (Also LEC-R) - College Credit Plus

  11. IJ - Guidance Program

  12. JEFB - Released Time for Religious Instruction

  13. JGE - Student Expulsion

  14. JHC - Student Health Services and Requirements

  15. JHCA - Physical Examinations of Students

  16. JHCD - Administering Medicines to Students (Version 1)

  17. JHCD-R-1 - Administering Prescription Drugs to Students (General Regulation)

  18. JHF - Student Safety

  19. JHG - Reporting Child Abuse and Mandatory Training

  20. JM (Also GBH) - Staff-Student Relations

  21. KBA - Public's Right to Know

  22. LEC-R (Also IGCH-R) - College Credit Plus

Policy revisions can be accessed here.

The second reading of the above policies will be on the April 24, 2025, Board agenda.

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