Springfield City School District Class of 2024 Commencement ceremony photos are now available for graduates and their families to download free of charge.
Photos of graduates walking across the stage to receive their diploma can be found at this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11NJIgBSX6A9QXv9i2ef3ygMHSBAq9sBF?usp=sharing
Posed portraits of each graduate after they have received their diploma can be found at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/99ryhriy75w31c8idrh6k/ALchbp2w52dDoZmscUl9KY4/portraits?rlkey=jizsbpqno24haaoaa0ofhrr7x&e=1&scrlybrkr=0dc2dc63&subfolder_nav_tracking=1&st=thoo6nl6&dl=0
A video of the ceremony will be available at a later date. Congratulations, Wildcats!