Welcome Back, Wildcats!
As a reminder, all Elementary Open Houses will be held tonight from 5-6:30 p.m. 7th Grade Orientation will also be held tonight from 4-5 p.m. at all 3 middle schools. Our staff is excited to welcome back our students & families!
Quickly view daily breakfast & lunch menus in the new SCSD app! Simply open the app and choose your child's building from the 'Schools' button in the bottom right corner. Then select 'Menu' in the bottom left corner and choose 'Dining.' Menus for August are already loaded! Printable menus are also available on the SCSD website (Services > Food & Nutrition > Menus).
Check out these photos from the Perrin Woods Elementary Junior Lighthouse Team painting the school's new tree mural in the school's main hallway 🎨
This mural will be part of a new District-wide initiative beginning in the fall called 'Leader in Me.' When a staff member or student at Perrin Woods memorizes the '7 Habits' from Leader in Me, they will put their handprints on the new mural 👐🏽
Thanks to the Junior Lighthouse Team for your hard work on this new addition to the halls of PW!
Save the date for this free event, hosted by our friends at Clark County Partners in Prevention and Clark State! The day will include fun activities, games, prevention education, DJ, crafts & music. There is no cost for Clark County students in grades 7-11! Register by emailing cmckee@clarkcountypip.org.
Help the Lady Wildcats Basketball Program give back to those in need this holiday season! 💙
Please consider attending a home game on Wednesday, Dec. 7 or Saturday, Dec. 17 and bringing a new toy or clothing item to donate to a child in a local homeless shelter. Your donation will also get you free admission to the game!
Open gyms & tryout information for middle school winter sports have been posted to the Athletics page. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Athletic Department. Go Wildcats!
Check out pictures from Springfield's win over Wayne! 📸
Way to go Wildcats!
Did you know? We're on Instagram! 📸 🐾
Check out @scsdoh for the latest information about everything happening in the Springfield City School District.
Kindergarten registration is open all summer long! To enroll your child, please visit the Registration webpage or call 937-505-2828.