Kindergarten Enrollment

2024-2025 Kindergarten Enrollment Open Now!

Welcome to Kindergarten!

The Springfield City School District welcomes you and your child to a wonderful school experience! Your child's education begins with their kindergarten year - a year that is filled with new and exciting experiences for children and their families.

Kindergarten is a time for children to expand their love of learning, their general knowledge, their ability to get along with others, and their interest in reaching out to the world. While kindergarten marks an important transition from preschool to primary grades, it is important that children still be children. This year will be one of the most important milestones in your child’s life – the first year of school! A successful adjustment to kindergarten will often influence the child’s perception, attitudes, and performance in subsequent school years. 

Age Guidelines

Students who turn five years of age on or before August 1 are eligible to enroll in kindergarten.

In limited and specific circumstances, a kindergarten student may be eligible for an early entrance or a delayed entrance into kindergarten. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact central registration if this situation applies. Please see Board Policy JEBA for more information. 

Kindergarten Registration

Registration is now open! Please follow this link to begin the registration process.